Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 4
Another sketch from Adventures in Site Tracking #8: Chance is Real, Wildclaw attempts to give Honen a tiger striped bikini for a present, much to his chagrin.
One final "Chance is Real" scene, Honen works on some mechanical equipment with Chester Hallet, Talon Kyradius, and Zumo.
Honen pilots his battle armor as seen in the sketch, The Great Forum War Part 4: The War Against ErniePants.
This is from In Case of WTF, Break Glass. I wasn't real happy about the way this drawing turned out. I probably should have redone it.
Nucleo, Honen and Deuce in For the Love of an Oni.
Deuce showing Honen some affection, also from "For the Love of an Oni". While this RAU sketch was not one of my funniest, I am still very fond of it.
This was an earlier attempt at the above scene. Originally, I wanted Honen to be viewed completely in profile, but then ultimately decided that it didn't get across his facial expression well enough. That, and it was harder to draw Deuce hugging him from this angle. His oversized sleeves would have been blocking most of her from view.
Rough and final versions of Honen kneeling from Archaeological Thingamobobical Part 4: Attack of the Drones.
Final and rough versions of Honen running in Archaeological Thingamobobical Part 5: The Road to Reflection. Click here for a larger version of the rough.
Fun fact: I used a photograph of Jake Gyllenhaal jogging as a muse for this image. I image searched something like "person running" and didn't even realize that the photo I chose even was of Jake Gyllenhaal until about halfway through the drawing I glanced at the picture's filename and thought, "What?... Oh, I guess that is him."
Also from AT5, the '95 version of Honen Calzoun standing between Torque and Flune. Click here for the larger, rough version of the drawing.
Also from AT5, Honen with Torque and Flune. Honen's facial expression here is based on his RAU Gallery smiling emoticon, . Only Honen uses this emoticon.
Rough version of the above drawing.
'95 Honen draws his sword in AT5, rough and final.
Honen prepares to face-off against himself in AT5.
Rough version of the above drawing.
Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 5
Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 3