 Demon-Elf Female, Age: 72 Headmistress |  The kinder of the two headmasters of Grimmora University, and the adoptive mother of Nucleo McRaven, Aurora is a strong, bold woman, though a bit absent-minded, sometimes forgetting things, or just not noticing things. She is stern, but very kindhearted, and is dedicated to educating and civilizing Phainein's many magical beings. She talks with a Scottish accent and is generally regarded as a great teacher by students. |
 Mountaindevil Male, Age: ?? Security Guard |  An Aridian Mountaindevil who was transformed into a giant cat-like monster via the Goddess of Darkness, Darkona's magic, Calico King was never returned to his more humanoid form, but rather enjoys his life as a big, lazy feline. Though he used to serve Darkona, he befriended Cory, and now hangs around the university as a guard, but often falls asleep on the job. He cannot speak English, but Nucleo and Cory can understand him. |
 Human Male, Age: 19 Librarian |  A blackbelt who teaches martial arts and runs the library at Grimmora University, and Talon's legal guardian. Raised by his monster-hunting father, Chance is somewhat pompous and arrogant, and he believes in strong discipline. Thus, he often acts condescending towards others. However, he really is a nice person once you get to know him. Even if he won't admit to liking his friends, he'd do anything to protect them from harm. |
 Human Male, Age: 20 Pilot/Mechanic |  A mechanic and pilot who is good at putting things together, but seems to be missing a few screws in his own head. He means well, but he's prone to starting sentences with "Dude!" and thinking up really ridiculous hypothetical situations that he then starts taking too seriously. He is the loving partner of Robin Calypson, completely unphased by her half-Earth-Demon form, although both of them have insecurity issues. |
 Desert-Elf Male, Age: 15 Student |  The young, self-exiled prince of the Desert-Elves, Christopher does not seem to take life very seriously at all, often instigating misbehavior in classrooms. He is way smarter than he pretends to be. He gets along really well with his friends and his mentor, Nucleo McRaven, but sometimes annoys the faculty, especially Crow. He loves pushing people's buttons and is not afraid to make gender-bending non-sequiturs to do it. |
 Half-Oni Half-Mountaindevil Female, Age: 6 N/A | Coming Soon! An orphaned child who appears to be half Oni and half Mountaindevil. Cirrus is mute, but may just be very shy or autistic. It is believed she is the daughter of Dante Razeena, the most famous Oni swordsman and swordsmith, though his whereabouts, and the identity of Cirrus's mother, are unknown. Meawnwhile, Loro has been taking care of her and the two have a very strong, and possibly psychic bond. |
 Half-Demon-Elf Half-Mountaindevil Female, Age: 12 Student |  The young, but precocious daughter of Nucleo McRaven and Image Arcane. She has a sense of maturity beyond her years, which sometimes mediates (or clashes with) the personalities of her peers. She loves her parents, but admits to thinking they're weird and having difficulty understanding them at times. She spends a lot of her time with Talon Kyradius, often tutoring him to help make up for his lack of education. |
 Avian Male, Age: 82 Headmaster |  The notoriously cranky old headmaster of the Grimmora University, Crow is more often talked about than seen. He is usually grouchy and doesn't like the idea of humans working at and attending his school, but is learning to begrudgingly accept it. He is known for giving really boring lectures and speeches. He doesn't trust Nucleo, despite having known him all his life. His rude nature sometimes makes him a victim of pranks. |
 Avian Male, Age: 23 Director |  The usually-unseen director of the series, Gordon Feathers took over when "The Overlord FO" left. Not much is known about him, as he generally only works behind-the-scenes, but he is reputed to keep cool under pressure and often have the right answers in puzzling situations, which is a necessity when dealing with the rather chaotic cast. Rumors say he is a gifted drummer and drives a red convertible. |
 Oni Male, Age: 30 Scientist |  A reformed megalomaniacal villain, the Oni scientist Dr. Calzoun has had difficulty adjusting to his new life, but after (literally) confronting his past, he seems to be doing better. He is now very close friends with his former archenemies, Nucleo and Deuce. He is a highly-skilled pilot and mechanic, and can create robots, vehicles, and weapons of all kinds. Honen talks with a heavy accent and swears in multiple languages. |
 Demon-Elf Female, Age: 38 Archaeologist |  Wife of Nucleo McRaven and mother of Cory, Image Arcane has a Ph.D. in Archaeology and often assists her husband on his expeditions. She has a perky, inquisitive nature, but is not coy about saying what's on her mind, even when it might be inappropriate. Nucleo loves her dearly, but sometimes feels overwhelmed by her youthful energy, which she maintains because Demon-Elves don't age as fast as other races. |
 Waterlily-Dragon Male, Age: 13 Student |  A prank-pulling miscreant dragon youth, Jack tends to be angsty and brash, but not really a bad kid underneath it all. He is very bold and will speak his mind to anyone, but is generally well-behaved around Professor McRaven. He lived most of his life in the wild without any education, so he tends to get a little lost and confused during lessons. Jack is a self-proclaimed Ninja and also claims to be related to actor Charlie Sheen. |
 Griffin Male, Age: 18 N/A |  His full name is Sora Rail Pomarine Jaeger Kittiwake Paraque Dunlin III. He is a forest-dwelling griffin who is one of the few RAU characters who is not quite self-aware of being in a cartoon and refuses to accept it. He is a wannabe-vigilante crusader of justice, which often causes him to misunderstand situations and try to help where it isn't really needed. He means well, but is somewhat crass and arrogant. |
 Human Male, Age: 20 Pizza Deliveryman |  The man known only as Kado is the world's greatest pizza delivery man, or at least he thinks he is. He's a reckless driver and would readily drive off a cliff if he believes it to be a shortcut to getting his pizza delivered sooner. He talks really, really fast and yells a lot. He is an old friend of Sesa Markino as they were once both part of the Quixotic Tigers gang of pirates. |
 Darlosian Space Cruiser Central Processing Unit |  Kiini is the cat-shaped computer that controlled Deuce and Tomi's Space Cruiser of the same name. He is the only part of the ship that is still functional since it was shot down. Kiini is a living databank of information on many planets from around the galaxy. He eats inanimate objects to power himself, but everyone has to be careful that he doesn't end up eating something important. |
 Oni Female, Age: 35 Oni Priestess |  Leona is the High Oni Priestess who was vanquished during an attack on Oni Island. However, a rift in the space-time continuum allowed Honen to briefly meet with her again in the past. She had taken in Honen when he was abandoned by his own family years ago, and the two fell in love. But Leona's religious beliefs were stronger than her love for him, and she eventually banished Honen for dabbling in forbidden technology. |
 Zyrconian Male, Age: 46 Science Dept Head |  A wisecraking scientist from the far-off planet Zyrcon, Dr. Lizaki was forbidden from using his technology there, so he fled to Phainein. He enjoys his life teaching at Grimmora University, but really wants to be a space explorer. Due to his lizard-like structure, he can walk along ceilings and travel around the building by going through the air ducts. Lizaki is easygoing, sharp-witted, and generally friendly with everyone. |
 Lizardman Male, Age: 21 N/A |  A powerful, but tenderhearted Lizardman Warrior with extremely strong psychic and psionic abilities. Loro joined Zara's army when he was very young, but quit when his psychic powers started causing him to feel the fear and pain of his victims. He was outcasted for his desertion and has lived a lonely life collecting artifacts in a large junkyard. He discovered the orphaned Oni child, Cirrus Razeena, and took her into his care. |
 Human Male, Age: 25 Student |  One of the older students attending the university, Lukyan is a scheming sorcerer who is trying to learn as much about magic as possible, but sometimes gets a little bored with the curriculum. He's calm, laid-back, suavé, and somewhat of a jerk. He'll usually say what's on his mind, even if it might be rude (and it often is). Though he seems to have given up his former villainous ways, he still secretly wishes to rule the world. |
 ??? Male, Age: ?? N/A | Coming Soon! Once the moldy potroast from the back of the university's refrigerator, Mandor somehow gained sentience, and is now under the delusion that he is a highly-intelligent scientist and professor. He believes he should be the true star of the series and will stop at nothing to overtake it. He is always looking for new ways to censor things. He especially despises Nucleo McRaven and doesn't accept him as anything but a "monster". |
 Earth-Demon Male, Age: ?? Psychiatrist (Retired) |  Dr. Nexis Fried was the old psychiatrist who worked at the Grimmora University before Preston took over. He was supposedly a brilliant man, but seemed to become senile later in life, admitting that he thought psychiatry was really all just a load of crap. He could never remember anyone's names and had severe tunnel vision. He was somewhere in his 90s when he retired and hasn't been seen or heard from since. |
 Mountaindevil Male, Age: 40 Archaeology Dept Head |  A professor of archaeology at Grimmora University, Nucleo was adopted by Headmistress Aurora when he was very young. Cory is his daughter and Image Arcane is his wife. Though he looks ferocious, he is kind, patient, and compassionate, and generally well-loved by his students and family. He tends to act on impulse, and once he gets an idea in his head, good luck getting it out. He is slightly narcissistic and will eat just about anything. |
 Avian Male, Age: 35 Merchant |  A traveling merchant who wanders the world with his friends, Sesa Markino and Taura Ása, Ogrin is a large, boisterous eagle-like man with ram horns on his head. He collects and makes weapons, armor, and items to sell, although he's known for overcharging. He is very proud of his Avian heritage and tends to be very boastful. He often underestimates his own strength. |
 Desert-Elf Male, Age: 52 Psychiatrist Accountant |  Dr. Preston Abirok is the school psychiatrist and accountant. He has been friends with Nucleo and Aurora for many years. Preston is a confident man with a kind, mellow demeanor, and a dry sense of humor, who rarely loses his cool. He has a "secret" crush on Headmistress Aurora, but he claims he wants to keep their relationship professional. He has a habit of changing his "avatars" to more younger-looking versions of himself. |
 Human Male, Age: 23 Deliveryman |  A ferryman who makes deliveries to the university and occasionally sits in on classes. Despite his age, Raymond is amazingly childlike and naive. No one really knows why this is, but others often take advantage of it to play pranks on him or trick him into doing things no one else wants to do. He used to get nervous around other people, but he has grown a bit more confident of his own personality lately. |
 Half-Human Half-Earth-Demon Female, Age: 19 Pilot/Mechanic |  A pilot and mechanic who is the partner of Chester Hallet. She is half Earth-Demon and half human, and can change between the two forms. She is somewhat insecure about her alt form, and often vocally worries about what others think of it. She is kind, cunning, strong-spirited, and well-loved by her friends. Without her, Chester would probably be completely lost. Currently studying psychiatry under the tutelage of Dr. Preston Abirok. |
 Darlosian Female, Age: 28 Programmer |  A no-nonsense Space Marine-turned-Mercenary, Deuce is tough-as-nails, but settling into a more normal life at the University. She is often at odds with her ex-partner, Tomi, but has, ironically, fallen in love with her former enemy, Honen Calzoun. She is an expert mechanic, pilot, and computer programmer, and has vocabulary like a truck driver. Despite her aggressive nature, she has a certain feminine sweetness to her, as well. |
 Synthetic Female, Age: ?? Research Assistant |  A synthetic humanoid that was created to work in the most hazardous areas of the Great Phainein Tower, Samantha resembles a teenage girl, but is deceptively strong and mature. She lacks a sense of humor, and might become violent if annoyed too badly. She is really good with computers and technology. Her range of emotions is a little uncertain, but she is protective of her friends and fascinated with Christopher Paladin. |
 Human Male, Age: 21 Bartender |  Sesa is Chance's childhood friend who is not often seen at the university because he's usually out exploring someplace. When he does stay at the school, he runs the Juice Bar. Sesa is psychic and can read others' thoughts. He is a good-hearted person, but is sometimes too influenced by the people he's around, which causes him to get into trouble. He carries a seemingly endless supply of calculators and is very close friends with Taura Ása. |
 Mountaindevil Male, Age: 12 Student |  Talon is the son of Bazil Kyradius, who was one of Chance and Nucleo's worst enemies. However, Talon isn't evil and tries his best to do well at the school, despite his complete inability to use any magic due to his epilepsy. He is somewhat shy, but is best friends with Cory. He likes to draw, and enjoys helping out when needed, despite his inhibited nature and tendency to stutter when he's nervous. |
 Human Female, Age: 18 Nurse |  Taura and Sesa had crossed paths several times during the Great Elemental Wars and became a team, both adhering to a free-roaming way of life. She is a fearless martial arts master who is skilled with the katana, bo staff, and nunchaku. Taura is optimistic and trusting, which can be both her greatest assets and biggest flaws. When she stays at the Grimmora University, she works in the infirmary as a nurse. |
 Darlosian Male, Age: 26 Maintenance |  Tomi is Deuce's ex-mercenary partner. Unlike her, he wants to return to his former profession. When he becomes angry, he has the potential to burst into flames, due to his reoccurring spontaneous human combustion. Tomi tends to be grumpy, contemptuous, and lazy. He doesn't mean for anyone to take his rudeness personally - he feels he should treat everyone with the same level of disrespect. |
 Human Male, Age: 39 Medical Doctor |  Dr. Victor Markino is Sesa's father and a highly-intelligent, though very reclusive medical doctor. He does not live at the Grimmora University, but resides in his own lab on the outskirts of Nispatia. Although he's had trouble seeing eye-to-eye with his son in the past, their relationship has been getting better lately. He provides the medicine that Talon needs to keep from having epileptic seizures. |
 Felis Female, Age: ?? N/A |  Wildclaw is a gung-ho, bandana-wearin', AK-47 totin', outlaw cat. Although she looks, acts, and sounds like a man, she is actually female. She is rude and crass and seems to enjoy disturbing people, especially by questioning their gender or pointing out the number of her mammaries. She has a crush on Dr. Honen Calzoun, even though she can never remember if he's male or female. |
 Annelid Male, Age: ?? Hall Monitor |  A giant, sarcastic talking worm, Zumo is the partner-in-crime of Dr. Honen Calzoun. He has a gambling problem, but Honen needs Zumo's money to fund his projects. Zumo likes making fun of Honen, but he cares about him more than he lets on. However, he can be a bad influence - he wants Honen to become villainous again. He also likes hitting on women, even if they aren't his own species. |