Honen Calzoun Scrapbook (Page 5)

Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 3

An injured Honen is confronted by an angry Deuce Koma in Archaeological Thingamobobical Part 2: The Edge of Yesterday.

Rough sketches of Honen and Cirrus for the junkyard scene in Archaeological Thingamobobical Part 4: Attack of the Drones.

Sketch of Honen with his sword.

A couple of unfinished Honen sketches.

This is a rough sketch of the two Honens fighting in Archaeological Thingamobobical Part 6: Stranglehold. This one, however, was never finished because it wasn't necessary.

This is another unused, unfinished rough sketch of the Honen vs. Honen fight.

Same thing again.

Honen riding on his motorscooter with Cory McRaven and Samantha. This sketch was created for Adventures in Site Tracking #8: Chance is Real.

Honen gets hugged by Robin Calypson as Jack Sheen walks by with a possessed umbrella. This is also from "STA8: Chance is Real".

Also from "Chance is Real", a scene in the school juice bar where Honen is unexpectedly hugged by Deuce Koma.

Again from "Chance is Real", Honen plays Game Boy Tetris with Image Arcane (and he's winning!)

Again from "Chance is Real", this scene is a recreation of the hard drive discovery scene from the first "Archaeological Thingamobobical" sketch. Click here for a larger version.

From the finale of "Chance is Real", a massive group picture. Honen is on the left side in the middle row, between Zumo and Deuce Koma. Click here for a larger version.

Closeup of Zumo, Honen, and Deuce, before Raymond O'Malley was added to the background and Kiini was added to the foreground. Deuce's expression was changed to a smile for the final version.

This was another large group picture drawn several years earlier and never completed. Honen Calzoun is in the bottom right, behind Zumo and next to Bazil Kyradius. For a larger version, click here.

Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 4

Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 2



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