Honen Calzoun Scrapbook (Page 3)

Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 1

These are all drawings that were done between 2002-present, after I moved from New Jersey to Ohio. Some of them are a little rough as I had been out of practice with drawing for awhile, and I also needed to improve my skills.

Honen running and yelling (which he does a lot). This was used to make his RAU Gallery avatar, which was first seen in Fixing the Table.

Honen standing between Torque and Zumo. This was used to make his second RAU Gallery avatar that was first seen in The Great Forum War Part 3: Honen's Vacation.

Colorized version, used to make the footer image on the flyingomelette.com front page.

A couple of sprites that were made for The Great Forum War storyline, but were never actually used.

Sketch of Honen piloting some vehicle of his with a rather unenthusiastic Zumo in tow. Although Honen is incompetent as a villain, he is an accomplished pilot.

Honen and Zumo as children. Honen is not yet wearing his traditional Oni monk garb.

Honen feeds Zumo an apple. Zumo claims to be a fruit-eating worm.

Zumo protects child Honen from the rain. This drawing was used in The Great Forum War Part 4: The War Against ErniePants.

While camping, Honen uses Zumo for a pillow.

A scene of Honen and Deuce together that was drawn for Annelidical Psychiatry.

Zumo razzing Honen. This drawing was used in Troubled Ties.

A colorized version and computer-enhanced version of the above drawing. The enhanced version was used for In Case of WTF, Break Glass.

Deuce and Honen on barstools. This was also drawn for "In Case of WTF, Break Glass".

Another scene of Honen and Deuce from "In Case of WTF, Break Glass".

A scene of Honen looking contemptuous, also from "In Case of WTF, Break Glass".

Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 2

Honen Calzoun Storyboards



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