Honen Calzoun Storyboards
This is a collection of panels and rough storyboards from old comics that I wrote somewhere between 1986-1995. I quit drawing sometime in the late 90's and didn't start again until after I moved from New Jersey to Ohio.
Several panels from one long sequence where Honen held onto a bomb too long and it eventually exploded on him (he was a very incompetent villain). Honen's design is extremely simple in these old panels and the bomb was based on the traditional spherical black balls with the fuse on top as seen in old cartoons.
Panels that show Honen's penchant for being angry all the time. In the first one, he's kicking up a huge cloud of dust in a fit of rage. In the second one, he boards a ship with his sword drawn, ready to fight. In the last one, he's fuming after Nucleo ruined his plans one too many times.
I don't really know what's going on in the first panel here. I had to stare at the second panel for a long time before coming to the conclusion that it is indeed his tongue that has shot out of his mouth and crumpled up on the ground there, and not a grocery receipt or something. In the third panel, the bomb he was holding onto is about to go off.
Several panels of Honen pointing and barking orders.
Left: Crashing through a window. Middle: I don't know because most of the panel was destroyed. Right: Another panel from the bomb sequence.
Honen on his motorscooter. He used to ride that thing all over the place in the old comics, but it was eventually stolen and destroyed by Tomi Forrester and Jack Sheen.
More panels. Not really much to say, except that I really hate how "fat" he looked in some of these old drawings.
These scenes are from the inside of the Megallon. Honen uses a microphone to give orders to his minions and to taunt his enemies. The control room "chair" was a cushy beanbag-like thing. The first panel was used in Archaeological Thingamobobical Part 2: The Edge of Yesterday.
More old storyboards and a colorized version of the second one that I did as an experiment. The colorized version was modified again to be used as an avatar in the RAU Gallery sketch comedy, starting with the episode Archaeological Thingamobobical Part 4: Attack of the Drones.
A couple of panels where Honen is attacked from behind by Nucleo McRaven. I colored these two panels at two different points in time. In the first one, Honen was utilizing his original green color scheme, which I hate, so I converted the picture to black and white. In the second one, Honen's hair was black instead of blonde, and his entire eyes were red. Notice the lack of claws on Honen's feet in the first panel, and the addition of a horn to his head in the second. I was very inconsistent back then. The first panel was used in Best Enemies, Worst Friends.
And the third panel from the above sequence, where Honen turns the tables on Nucleo and throws him over the side of the boat. This panel was also used in "Best Enemies, Worst Friends".
Left: Honen falls over into a pile of sugar sacks while Nucleo and Starla make fun of him. Right: I really should have converted this to black and white. This was a brief experiment with giving Honen a flesh tone, and as you can see, he ended up looking like a Lemming with a horn on its head. No wonder I just decided on plain white for him. It's really the only thing that works.
A panel of Honen jump-attacking someone and another of him being choked by Samantha.
Coughing and a small head.
Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 1
Honen Calzoun Conceptual Art