Honen Calzoun Scrapbook (Page 9)

Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 7

Another fight scene from AT6: Stranglehold.

Rough version.

More of the same.

Rough version.

An even rougher, earlier version.

Going back to AT5: The Road to Reflection, here is a scene of Honen acting worried about Deuce's current condition.

The rough version didn't have Deuce in the same picture. The final is a composite.

Scene of Nucleo, Honen, and Image Arcane as seen from behind, also from AT5.

Rough version.

Scene from AT2: The Edge of Yesterday where Honen (along with Deuce) is attacked by his own Megallon.

The Megallon was not present in the rough version. The final is a composite.

Also from AT2, Honen and Cirrus are confronted by the lizardman warrior, Loro.

Cirrus was not present in the rough. She was composited in later.

In AT3: The World That Time Forgot, Honen meets up with his friends.

Nucleo and Image were not present in the rough. The final is a composite.

Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 8

Honen Calzoun Modern Sketches 6



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