Nucleo McRaven Scrapbook (Page 11)

I haven't worked on this drawing of Prof. Nucleo McRaven in awhile, but I decided to fix up a few things. His nose wasn't quite right, so I fixed that. His glasses were a little lopsided (one lens was a little different from the other). I fixed that. His ear was too small which caused his jawline to look too "fat". I fixed that, too. And while I was at it, I added in his other wing. Although it's possible for him to have been holding that wing in such a position that it would not be visible from this angle, it's just better to have both visible if at all possible.

When Robin discovered that Nucleo owns and plays a guitar, she asked him if he sings, too. The professor was quoted as responding with, "No, thanks. I'll spare the world that travesty." However, he has decided to make a rare exception as he suddenly breaks into his own rendition of "My Way" to whatever poor soul was in the missing half of the panel. Good thing he was wearing his glasses so he could see the emotional trauma and distress of his hapless victim.

#1. Professor McRaven, your dialogue is getting more and more ridiculous. #2. I have no idea what that thing in front of you is supposed to be, but I'd like to think that you have no idea either, and you're taking your unassuming nature to such a radical extreme that you're not even gonna bother to question it, or the fact that it appears to be consuming your arm. Now that's hardcore. Speaking of which, I just now realized that Nucleo's freakishly huge deltoids are basically just the opposite of Popeye arms.

Nucleo and Starla are way too amused by Honen's sleeping habits. You might be, too, if you spend any amount of time trying to figure out the physics of that situation. Or how what was scripted to be "a large pile of sugarsacks" became one big amorphous nondescript blob.

I'll give you two choices on this:

1. Nucleo is either seeing something he's not supposed to see, or overhearing a conversation that is meant to be private and is doing his best to conceal his presence.

2. Nucleo has found himself in one of those wacky situations where he has temporarily misplaced his pants and is doing his damndest to sneak across town by darting behind randomly-placed objects, including unidentifiable ones like the exhibit in this panel.

Cory is attempting the cartoon method of concealing herself behind an object that is only slightly bigger than she is. The last time she did this, she got lost in Nucleo's massive ponytail and wasn't seen again for 3 days. (Damn, Nucleo is so ill-proportioned in that picture it gives me vertigo.)

I love that panel of Prof. McRaven. I believe this to be from a scene where, after having sustained a near-fatal injury, he's trying to convince Chance that he's well-enough to go with them now and that they absolutely need his help. Judging from the way he's dressed, I'm probably right. But it just as easily looks like it could be from a scene where someone stole all the cookies from the cookie jar and 'Cleo swears it wasn't him.

And poor 'Cleo was so distraught that Chance wouldn't let him tag along anymore, that he proceeded to eat his glasses.

I have no idea what's going on this panel, but words simply cannot describe its greatness and it amuses me to no end. I'm sure that long ago when it was surrounded by preceding and anteceding panels, it would not stand out. But as an exhibit all on its own, it's a thing of beauty. Here's a quandary: Did that giant yellow "THUD!" come out of the cave? Or did it come from off-panel in front of Nucleo and is now heading into the cave? I'd like to think it's the latter since that would more easily explain the professor's look of shock and resulting paralysis. In either case, it's a good thing he leaned forward because otherwise it would have hit him in the head.

Aurora Taglisa teaching a young 'Cleo to use a fire spell of some kind.




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