Forum Archive Topic #5
Onilicious! (Parts 1 & 2)

FO: The posts in this archived topic were in reply to an argument that got slightly overheated. (I didn't know it at the time, but the user in question came from a particular forum of another website that I've had trouble with in the past.) Anyway, I was up to my usual nonsense as I have a tendency to deal with situations with a sense of humor because I'm just a jackass that way, but technically speaking, I wasn't really making fun of him at all. I was actually making fun of the fact that Crawl's posts kept getting longer and longer with each reply. (Back in the day, when old message board systems and internet browsers really sucked, Crawl's lengthy posts would sometimes cause people's browsers to crash and it's been a running gag in the community ever since.) Nevertheless the user still got pretty pissed and took a potshot at Nucleo McRaven and Image Arcane in a really weird esoteric way (and even weirder since Honen Calzoun and Deuce Koma were the characters actually being used in the topic, not Nucleo and Image.)

But there's no point in trying to rationalize the irrational, so we'll just make fun of it instead...

RevoIver Ocelot
(5/10/07 3:52 pm)

Probably. I'm sure CRAWL wont be happy that someone on the boards had the sheer audacity to be as big a bloated, David Jaffe-calibre douchebag as him.
Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/10/07 3:31 pm)

Aye, yai...I have to go prepare ze helmets, shields, and sandbags.

Deuce Koma
(5/10/07 3:32 pm)

Why is that?

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/10/07 3:33 pm)

Because I have feeling Crawl's reply will cause massive browser crash. I suggest retreating to fallout shelter as soon as possiblé.

Deuce Koma
(5/10/07 3:42 pm)

Well, okay, just so long as we can go together.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/10/07 3:43 pm)

Caramba!!!! On second thought, I take chances out here. :yeah

Deuce Koma
(5/10/07 4:04 pm)

Oh, what's the matter? I am perfectly-capable of maintaning professional conduct, even under dire situations.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/10/07 4:06 pm)

Yes, yes. I am so sure dat you can. :uhum

You know, you are supposed to be super-tough space marine woman. Not good for your reputation to be throwing yourself all over me like zis.

Deuce Koma
(5/10/07 4:06 pm)

If anyone has a prob with my rep, they can take it up with the business end of my M20B1.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/10/07 4:10 pm)


Don't you think you're setting bad example? Why does such strong independant woman need a man for, anyway?

Deuce Koma
(5/10/07 4:14 pm)

Why are you so afraid of people getting on my case about it? It's not like this is some radical feminist blog.

Besides, just because I'm a soldier, that doesn't mean I don't have feelings. I'm not throwing myself at every man that comes along, I only like the really intelligent ones, like you and Prof. McRaven.

Well, I'm heading for the basement now. If you'd rather stay out here and get buried under the upcoming post tsunami just because you're a little bit shy around me, that's your choice. But you'll be missing out on a damn good Pachinko tournament if you do.

Honen Calzoun

(5/10/07 4:25 pm)

Shy? SHY?? I am not shy, I am evil dictator! Dat iz why I have no interest in romance. Shy, my Oni brass.

And I could beat you at dat stupid Pachinko tournament with eyes closed and both hands tied behind back. You wait and see! I come in after you!

FO: After that incident subsided, I continued Honen and Deuce's "board drama" in another topic. Enjoy.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 5:38 pm)

I am very Onilicious!

Do you agree?

Results (total votes = 1):
Yes  1 / 100.0%  
No  0 / 0.0% 
If you don't answer zis poll, I assume your answer iz yes!  0 / 0.0%  

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:19 pm)

Only one vote? I wonder who it was...

Deuce Koma
(5/12/07 10:21 pm)

I did!

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:21 pm)

Hai-che-ya...I should've known it was you. :yeah

Deuce Koma
(5/12/07 10:22 pm)

Well, what did you expect? If you don't want me to vote in your poll, don't ask questions like that.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:26 pm)

I think you need to see ze shrink. He would tell you dat you're acting nuts.

Deuce Koma
(5/12/07 10:29 pm)

And he'd be right. I'm completely nuts for you.

PS, I just updated my profile! ^_^

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:31 pm)

You iz going to make me vomit. :x

Preston Abirok
Watch For Falling Pants!

(5/12/07 10:32 pm)


I'm scared to answer this poll and scared not to...:(

Deuce Koma
(5/12/07 10:34 pm)

Well, why did you ask this question if you don't want people thinking you're Onilicious?

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:34 pm)

I'd rather them think I'm Onilicious from distance, iz all.

Preston Abirok
Watch For Falling Pants!

(5/12/07 10:39 pm)

Dr. Calzoun, was there a particular reason you wanted me to see this poll?

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:39 pm)

Yes. Tell Rosalyn dat she's crazy for being in love with me.

Deuce Koma
(5/12/07 10:41 pm)

No, tell Honen that he's crazy for making a poll like this and then wanting to vomit when someone actually answers it.

Preston Abirok
Watch For Falling Pants!

(5/12/07 10:42 pm)


I really don't think I need to be in the middle of this.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:42 pm)

Then get in front of it, or someting.

Preston Abirok
Watch For Falling Pants!

(5/12/07 10:43 pm)

I am not a human shield.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:45 pm)

You know, I just thought of someting...Dr. Abirok is still single. Why don't you hook up with him instead? He's a nice fellow. He's more your type, I think.

Deuce Koma
(5/12/07 10:46 pm)

Oh, get real. Yes, he's a very nice guy, but he's old enough to be my father and the height difference between us would make things a little awkward.

Preston Abirok
Watch For Falling Pants!

(5/12/07 10:49 pm)


I really think I should be going now. See you later, my friends.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:49 pm)

So, you prejudiced against tall people or someting?

Deuce Koma
(5/12/07 10:50 pm)

No, but c'mon, you're just more my type.

Image Arcane
(5/12/07 10:51 pm)


Nuclee is Nucleeicious!
Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:53 pm)

What ze...What are you doing here? You stay out of zis, you little fireball.

Image Arcane
(5/12/07 10:54 pm)

Hey! How rude!

Just when I was going to thank you. Hmph!
Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 10:55 pm)

Thank me? For what?

Image Arcane
(5/12/07 10:57 pm)

For sticking up for me and Nuclee.

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 11:00 pm)

Oh...dat...'Twas nothing, Dr. Arcane. Just bothers me to see intelligent minds like yours and Professor McRaven's disrespected based on race. Even when we were enemies, I always admired your professional work.

Image Arcane
(5/12/07 11:02 pm)

Really? I never knew that. :o
Deuce Koma
(5/12/07 11:03 pm)

Hey, why don't both of you come with me to the juice bar? Everything's half-priced on Saturday nights, but we've only got an hour on that left.

Besides, I think the Overlord is going to get a little annoyed with us if we stay out here too long.

Image Arcane
(5/12/07 11:05 pm)

Okay! I'll go with you, Deuce!

Honen Calzoun
Sexiest Oni in the
Known Universe

(5/12/07 11:05 pm)


Allright. I'll go. I'm tired and need to unwind anyway. Logging off.

The Fuzzy Physicist

(5/12/07 11:18 pm)

The Honen dance ... is your chance ... to love an Oni.




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